Thursday, March 19, 2015

Compare Yourself to Jesus

I struggle with humility. I have grown up around supportive people who have made sure that I know how wonderful I am and encouraged me to my full potential. Today my husband admires my tenacity and ability to keep the household running while caring for four children. I am the sort of person who knows herself; I know what I want and then set about reaching my goal. I am in a position to be aware of my good qualities. So is it a problem to be praised and encouraged? Should we not lift one another up for fear of introducing pride?

On the flip side, I know of many people who struggle with self worth. They feel like their best is not enough. Close family and friends have criticized and belittled them. They are not self aware; they are unable to fulfill their needs, much less their wants. Should we not attempt to lift them out of their despair for fear of losing humility?

The answer to the above questions of course is "NO!" The true answer in humility lies in not even looking at ourselves. We should feel self assured that we are just as the Lord has made us. We should know that our best is not enough, but that in the Lord, our everything is exactly what He requires, and with that He will do the impossible. When I daily focus on the Lord, He shows me who I am without Him and who I am in Him. Without Him, I compare myself to others; I'm better than my husband in this area, I'm better than my friend in this way. In Jesus, I compare myself only to Him, and, of course, I am never better. Without Him, I feel like a failure compared to another friend or to my husband in another area. In Jesus, I know that He is making me into His image, not that of my friend or husband.

When we encourage one another, let's show each person that God has created them for His purpose and He cares for each of us personally. We should lift each other up and help each person find her place in the body. True humility is not focusing on our shortcomings but rather realizing who we are in Christ and what we can do for His kingdom. We can delight in our reliance on God and feel honored that He has chosen us, allowing God to complete the same work in others' hearts.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.
James 4:10

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