Saturday, November 28, 2015

Giving Thanks

Well, much has happened since I wrote last which has again prevented me from writing regularly. We'll see if I can manage to get in a rhythm now, but with Advent upon us, it may not happen. We celebrated a lovely Thanksgiving with member of our Christian family. Eris really has a tender heart; she wrote a "Thanks" list on her initiative which I thought was worth sharing (with her permission).

1. We were delivered from hard dengue fever
2. A soft bed
3. Our house
4. A couch
5. Our Bibles
6. Monkey (her favorite stuffed animal)
7. Family
8. We have a park nearby
9. Friends
10. A free nearby children's museum
11. A good fan in this hot place
12. Food
13. Bicycles
14. Money
15. Skateboard
16. Clothes
17. Ball
18. Jesus saved us from our sins
19. Homeschooled
20. Books
21. Library

I would agree with all of the above. And these people certainly top the list: