Sunday, January 20, 2019

Kids' Home-Church Service

Some of the kids have had a stomach bug, and Philip had a teaching workshop at the university all weekend, so the kids and I stayed home from church this morning. The kids were disappointed but took it in stride, creating a fun home-church service for us.

Hollis began with leading us in the Gospel ABC's (ABCDEFG, Jesus died for you and me...). Then Simeon had all the kids participate in his mega-tic-tac-toe. I'm not sure of the Biblical application of this, but he wanted to contribute. Next up was sharing from the scriptures. Meriel read about Jesus welcoming the little children, and Hollis read the calling of fishermen to disciples. We sang, "I will Make You Fishers of Men," and "Let the Little Children Come." Then Eris asked Bible trivia questions she had written. There were some at each level so all the kids could participate.

Ever since I told the children about a church I went to when I was really young that played "The Farmer in the Dell," they like to include that in home-church. We did so, and Calla did not want to be picked for anything. She only wanted to continue around in the circle. After playing and couple of times, we ended the service with the Doxology. Those who wanted could do the craft Hollis created.

It was a fun morning with worship and Bible, and I didn't have to wrangle kids to be quiet during the service. I enjoyed seeing how the kids worked together to contribute to the special morning. While I certainly don't enjoy vomiting children, this restful morning was a good part of a tough weekend.

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