Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Character of God

We are into the season of Advent now and enjoying the anticipation leading up to Jesus' birth. As part of our Jesse Tree, yesterday, we read the story of the first sin in Genesis chapter 3. Of course, I've read this story many times and would say I know it well, but I was struck by a new aspect of it. Satan* deceives Eve on many levels, but fundamentally he brings her to question God's character. Eve, and Adam, physically walked and talked with God. They had the opportunity to know him like no one else. I believe they would have known He loved them, that He was wise, all knowing, and good. If she had stopped to think about it and to think about God, Eve would have realized that what the serpent said couldn't be true. The God that she knew would not try to keep her from something good. He loved her greatly and knew what was best for her.

The great deceiver still uses this same trick today. I often find myself wondering if certain aspects of my life are really best for me. Wouldn't it be better if I could see my family more often? If we didn't have to worry about our plans for the future? If we had plenty of extra money? If...If...If...? I begin to think that I can orchestrate a better life for myself than God. But wait! God loves me so much that He sent His only Son to earth to die for me. This same God created the world and has the power to do whatever He chooses in it. He also cares about me personally, not just my physical well being but also my soul. He loves me greatly and knows what is best for me. So next time I begin to see "that the tree [is] good for food, and that it [is] a delight to the eyes," I will look away from the fruit and toward the Almighty God and my Loving Saviour. 

It would sadden me to have these precious children question my motives, because I love them so much and only want the best for them, and I sure hope they know it. That must be how God feels when we don't trust His ways.

*Yes, I know that the Genesis account doesn't specifically mention that the serpent was Satan or vice versa, but other Biblical references lead me to believe that it was Satan and not just a clever serpent.

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