Thursday, January 18, 2018

Fragrance of Hope

In October, I wrote about my commitment to pray for the start of Tawipon Church, inspired and prompted daily by my "water jasmine" trees. (Of Plants and Prayers) I have continued to pray for Tawipon and Pratunam Pra-in each day as I carefully watch my trees for signs of rejuvenation. Daily, I picked off and squished all the mealybugs I could find for five minutes or so, during each trip to the balcony to take care of laundry, praying for people and my plants.

Finally one day in November, I could not find any more mealybugs! But by this time my plants were so withered, I doubted they would survive. Most of the leaves had fallen off or were yellowed and curled. I did not give up praying; my prayers for the church were more fervent. I did not accept that the fate of my plants was the destiny of Tawipon Church. And I kept watering my plants. A couple weeks before Christmas, my twiggy trees started to push out tiny furls of tender new leaves. Bright green and laughingly small compared to the branches they adorned, the leaves brought joy to my heart. My plants were alive!

My prayers became more joyful. God had spared my plants. Since he loves people so much more, surely He would be working in the hearts of the people in the neighborhood. I needed to be faithful in my small part. Each day, more leaves appeared and finally a few groups of minuscule buds hanging in the clumps of leaves. A couple weeks ago, I was on the balcony at night and a caught a familiar sweet, heady fragrance. My water jasmine! The first cluster of blossoms had opened effusing the dark with the hope.

Apparently, blossoms on the tree was a sign to the ants that it was once again a prime spot to shepherd mealybugs. I have learned that the ants do more than harvest the nectar from the bugs, they also tend and protect them. Ants will move the mealybugs to the best spots on a plant and even to a new plant. Interestingly enough, the first pests I discovered were just below the buds. It seemed that they were bunched at the most lovely and luscious locations.

I realized that Satan also knows something lovely is about to bloom. He gathers trouble and temptation at the most spiritually lush places. As the first Sunday service of Tawipon Church approached, he was gathering his forces. So I fought back, praying against the darkness, calling for God's angels, and pouring out the fragrance of prayer over Pratunam Pra-in.

Our first Sunday, we had thirty-three people (including our family of seven); many were visitors from Immanuel Baptist Church and another church. It was exciting to join in worship in my own neighborhood! The second Sunday, we had twelve people. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I know God is working; I know He loves the hundreds of people who zoom by my house, the church, on mo-peds everyday. He has a plan.

I continue to fight the battles daily: squashing mealybugs, praying for Tawipon Church. Each Sunday, I prepare children's Sunday School and am excited to see who God will bring. On my prayer balcony, the small trees are budding despite the attacks, and certain buds even blossom, filling the night air with the fragrance of hope.

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