Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Tomb is Empty!

Today I had the privilege of sharing the Easter story with a handful of children who had never before heard it. The little they knew about Easter had to do with vague ideas of painted eggs. I wanted to make it memorable and leave an impression. After hunting for boiled eggs, the children gathered for story time. We always start with "zip your mouths, open your ears, put your hands in your laps." I was especially anxious that they hear this important story. I reviewed last week's story about Palm Sunday, how Jesus was King but not necessarily in the way the people expected Him to be. I shared about some of the reasons why the religious leaders were eager to kill Jesus. Then a little video depicted Jesus being crucified between the two criminals. I explained that being hung on a cross was a punishment for people who had done something really wrong - but that Jesus had never done anything wrong, not even one thing. At this point, the children's attention was riveted and their eyes were wide. Then, Jesus was dead.... As all eyes followed me, I sadly carried a wrapped body to the tomb in the back of the room. Khun Dtank began to lead a song.

It seems that some of the little minds were thinking, Is that really it? Jesus is dead? At least I hope they were. These children follow a religion whose leader is dead, so maybe it didn't seem that strange to them for Jesus to die. But it was a particularly horrible death that He didn't deserve. The children quickly got caught up in the singing, seeming to give the story no further thought. Suddenly a loud crash in the back of the room near the tomb grabbed their attention. The tomb was open! I ran toward the children shouting, "Come look! The tomb is empty!" The children ran to look. I heard gasps and saw amazed expressions, as indeed the tomb was empty. "Where is Jesus? What happened to the body?"

I gathered the children to hear what had happened to Jesus, explaining that He had come alive! Ghosts and spirits are a daily part of religion here, so I made sure to explain that He was not a ghost. His disciples had been able to touch Him; He had eaten food. And then, He had never died again; Jesus had gone up to Heaven. One little boy's eyes widened when I said that He was still alive today with God. Jesus had died a horrible death, so we wouldn't have to punished for all the wrong we have done, but then He had risen again so He could help us be friends with God! Join me in praying the children will remember this most important of stories and will want to know more about Jesus.

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