Thursday, August 13, 2015

Five to Six

Each child develops differently with spurts of growth at various ages. For Meriel, this past year has been one of rapid maturation. She has gone from a cute, little girl to a beautiful young lady. She is becoming aware of the world beyond being the center of the universe. Learning, loving, praying, wondering.

She is beginning to learn the value of hard work. She has struggled to read, making great progress, delighting her younger siblings by reading "Peter and Jane" to them. She has pressed through daily tin whistle practice, successfully mastering two fun tunes. Many days, I have to make her read to me and mandate her whistle lesson. But the joy on her face as she plays for Daddy makes it all worth while.

Meriel's self-control has increased greatly, as well. Yes, she still has her tantrums, but they are less frequent and often shorter and less boisterous. She is responsive to a gentle reminder to calm down and, if caught in time, often manages to avert a tantrum completely. She thinks of others above herself - sharing special treats, including her little brother in a game, making room for another sibling beside her in the rocking chair.

When Meriel asks a question, she will keep asking until she understands the answer. She really wants to understand the world around her, what a Bible story means, what Mommy and Daddy are discussing, what Eris is talking about. If she doesn't comprehend the answer, she won't pretend she does. When she finally "gets" something, she won't forget it; she is beginning to be able to incorporate what she learns one day into a different concept another day. She listens and really cares about what each person has to say.

Meriel loves Jesus but is also honest about her limitations. She explains that she is not ready to get baptized yet because she does not really understand enough about what is means to follow Jesus. She realizes that she does bad things and sometimes is not ready to try to not do those things. She knows she can pray and talk to God. She remembers prayer requests and daily brings others to the Lord. When she decides to follow Jesus completely, it will be her own choice from which she will not turn back. I am so proud of my six year old!

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