A friend posted on Facebook a list of questions and answers about herself which she had asked her six year old. He had some really cute responses. None of my daughters were that great but some are worth sharing. It's fun to get inside your child's mind by asking questions like these. Maybe I'll see if I can find some more lists and try to do something like this every once in a while.
What is something Mommy always says to you?
Hollis: I love you.
Meriel: She doesn't say anything always. (My literal minded child. "Ok, a lot.") Calm
Eris: You're not meaning not to.
What makes Mommy happy?
Hollis: I obey.
Meriel: When I behave.
Eris: Cleaning up.
What makes Mommy sad?
Hollis: Me being naughty.
Meriel: When I be naughty.
Eris: [Me] hitting Meriel.
How does Mommy make you laugh?
Eris: By laughing at my jokes.
What was Mommy like as a child?
Hollis: I don't remember.
Meriel: I don't know. Like Eris.
Eris: I don't know. Liked to play.
How old is Mommy?
Hollis: I don't remember. 21?
Meriel; Eris: 31
How tall is Mommy?
Meriel: 10 feet tall.
Eris: 5 feet
What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?
Hollis: Play!
Meriel; Eris: Read.
What does Mommy do when you're not around?
Hollis: Miss me.
Meriel: Play her fiddle.
Eris: Try to get presents for me.
If Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
Meriel: Doing a cartwheel on a trampoline at a circus.
Eris: Reading out loud, shouting at the top of her voice for 3 hours. (Pause.) Probably be
famous for reading so many books.
What is Mommy really good at?
Hollis: School.
Meriel; Eris: Cooking
What is Mommy not very good at?
Meriel: Are you not very good at fiddling? (What do you think?) I think you're better at
fiddling. I think you're not very good at cartwheeling.
Eris: (Laughs) I know, getting away from her children.
That's all for now. Good night!
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