I remember the days when I had three nearly completely dependent children. With a newborn, a 22 month old, and a not quite 4 year old, I had to do everything for everyone. My husband would wonder why we could rarely make it anywhere on time. Two in diapers to change, a nighttime pull-up to get off then a last minute attempt at sitting on the potty. Three dresses to put on with buttons or zippers. Then pulling up shorts over fat cloth pull-ups. Wisps of hair to brush and clip barrettes, only to have them slip out (or yanked out) in minutes. Gather each item needed for the outing, packed in the diaper bag. Six sock and four shoes. About to head out the door, when a diaper urgently needs changed, a temper tantrum ensues, a necessary item is missing, a screaming infant. Those days, my children were capable of nothing without my help.
Just a few month later, Eris started pouring Cheerios in bowls (and all over the table and floor) for her hungry little sister when Mommy was still laying in bed with Hollis. Once out of those pull-ups, she could completely dress herself (when the outfit didn't entail buttons or a zipper in the back). Suddenly, I have an independent (well, comparatively so) child!
Fast forward a few years later...ages 7, 5, 3, 1. Three children completely out of diapers, even at night. They all can go to the bathroom by themselves. The can dress themselves; Eris buttons Meriel and Hollis, Meriel zips or buttons Eris. They brush their own or each others hair. I braid, clip, and fix ponytails. I change one diaper, clothe one child (with clothes picked out by a sister), pack a diaper bag with diapers for one. Six sandals on (usually the right feet) independently; two more with help from a sister.
What am I going to do with myself in a few years when Eris can prepare breakfast, Meriel can wash up, Hollis can read, Simeon can dress himself? Treasure the infant years; more craziness ahead!
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