It's a new year: 2015 for most of the world; 2558 for Thailand. I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions. I feel that if I want to make changes in my life or do something new, I should just start at the time I think of it. Once I put my mind to something, I follow through, so I am hesitant to over-commit myself with a bunch of "resolutions" at once. I am also extremely recalcitrant to doing things that "everybody else is doing." Just after midnight last night, Philip did ask each of us what was something we remembered about last year and one thing we wanted to do this year, so I will share the answers.
One thing we remember about 2014:
Hollis said, "Fireworks!" (meaning the ones that had just happened a few minutes ago)
At this point, Philip went back and explained about the whole year: when it started and some highlights from it to get Hollis thinking in the right direction. Then he asked her again. "Being really noisy and wild for New Year!" Clearly, she couldn't think past the last few minutes. She's three; she lives in the moment. She had really enjoyed making a lot of noise by dumping a whole basket of toys on the floor at the stroke of midnight.
Since Hollis said two things, Meriel also had two. "Songkran and moving into our house." She has a thankful heart, and it did not surprise me that she mentioned our home. Songkran is Thai New Year celebrated in April by a week long, nationwide water fight. Eris's remembrance was simple, "Songkran." I thought about and was thankful for the Advent season that had been full of special times together. Philip noted how each of the children had grown in the past year.
What do the Cardins want to do in 2015?
Beginning with Eris, all three girls answered, "Ice skating!" I took Eris once last year, and she had fun but had a difficult time staying on her feet. I didn't want to take the other girls because I didn't think they'd have much fun sitting on the ice. But after an answer like that, I might just have to take each of them. Philip hopes to learn Thai. I do as well. While we don't have a coherent plan for this, we do have some ideas. I do believe that we will find a way to experience some success in this area.
I'm a little hesitant to share my goal for the year, mostly for fear of failure. It also seems a little silly. I share with the hope that doing so will help me to actually fulfill this desire. So here goes - I would like to learn how to play the fiddle. See what I mean by silly? A not very musical, "can't carry a tune in a bucket" mother of four, living in Bangkok trying to teach herself to play the fiddle using online resources and an iPad tuner. I've longed desired to be able to play a musical instrument. There's just something fun and almost magical about being able to produce music. It is a universal language and all cultures enjoy various forms.
But why fiddle? I took piano lessons as a child, but, while the piano is a flexible and lovely sounding instrument, it doesn't travel well. It is also quite expensive to own. Ever since I first read the "Little House" series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, I've thought it would be delightful to be able to play the fiddle like Pa. This idea was renewed by my enjoyment of Irish Trad Music, so I actually bought myself a fiddle with birthday money a few years ago. I began to teach myself but was so busy finishing residency and, after that, learning to fly that I didn't get very far. Right now, I can't work or even volunteer and I don't have a way to continue flying, so I have time to pick up my fiddle. I have been making extremely slow progress, but it is fun and rewarding. I feel rejuvenated and accomplished after I've carved out fifteen or twenty minutes to play. So maybe my dream is not so far fetched or ridiculous after all as long, as I continue in my diligence to practice regularly.
As humans, God has given us the ability to dream. He also enables us to plan and strive to fulfill our dreams, as long as they are in line with His plan for us. I don't want to shy away from the desires God has placed in my heart. I hope my sharing might prompt you to reach higher in your goals and dreams, allowing God to help you achieve more than you ever thought possible. Here's to a year filled with joy and laughter and fiddle tunes!
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